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My websites: Jana Schwarz RE/MAX
Our headquarters are located in Prague, but we operate throughout the Czech Republic.
Our goal is to best represent clients who have hired us to buy or sell real estate. In each real estate transaction, our brokers always represent only one side of the business case. What does this mean? When we represent sellers, we help them sell the property under the best conditions and for the maximum selling price. When we represent buyers, we help them find their dream property and negotiate to find the lowest price possible. We offer a complete real estate service of the highest quality.
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Each office is independently owned and operated. The RE/MAX Alfa trademark is operated by TOP REALITY SERVIS, s.r.o. with its registered office at Spálená 97/29, Prague 1, IČ: 241 93 844, entered in the Commercial Register kept by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, Insert 187436. Between 2005 and 2011, the RE/MAX Alfa and RE/MAX Alfa reality trademarks were operated by PTE Alfa sro, IČ: 27620280 and PTE Alfa Reality sro, IČ: 27246566. In 2011, both companies were merged and a new company TOP REALITY SERVIS, s.r.o. was created.
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